Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Carry On Camping.

So I've been trying to sell Krysia off to the local Women's Co-Op but they have to admit that she hasn't really got the hang of cracking those nuts and as yet, we have no solid offers !!! Keep on trying Krysia, we might make an Argan Lady out of you ? Maybe not. Still, great fun trying and well done that girl for having a go. This co-op has 120 ladies working in it, a school for adults and children, as well as being backed by a large French company who buy gallons of the Argan oil for the cosmetic industry. The co-op ensures that the money made, goes to the right places in the community. This is the only part of the world that makes Argan oil and it is very popular abroad as well as here.

 Krysia could be trying too hard for the job here, acting the giddy goat. Again, big effort and a lot of fun. Krysia up trees !

 Our days here at Imsouane are full of interest and activity. Two weeks have flown by and we'll be leaving here in another fortnight. Our three month trip is nearly up and the days are passing quickly. The clocks went forward last night so we all will be enjoying more evening light. Summer is coming.

We too had an eclipse, only partial but the weather did give us a chance to look ever so briefly, at the spectacle. One of those moments. First thing in the morning, after I had raised interest in fellow campers, we all cheered with delight when a cloud allowed us our sighting. A good way to start the day.

It's a fine campsite we're on. I've talked about it before in previous blogs but sometimes one forgets special parts of the surroundings. As every camper knows, the washing area and shower block are very important. Can make a campsite really. Here, they are the best and the situation is next to none.

On a lower level from the camping area, the washing and shower block seem to be in an area of calm energy. It's always pleasant to go for a shower or wash some clothes. Coming out from the loos, one is greeted by beautiful plants and gorgeous smells. Palms and Acacia, flowers and the buzz of insects, Jamie campsite has made a lovely place to do those necessary things.

Daily walks, well almost daily, take us to new places and new views. The more we look, the more we find.  Imsouane port from a different angle provided by a new rough track, hewn from the cliffs, leading to , mmmmm leading to ,  not sure really. Around the cliff and down to about 30 meters from the sea ! Someone must have an idea what it's for but for now it just takes us to a part of the hill inaccessible to us before !!

So a selfie moment takes place !

And a panoramic view.

The things you can do with a telephone these days !

A Black & White moment now. All processed in the telephone ! 

Krysia with shells and sea.

Krysia one with it all. In the moment.

Walking with Friends

An outing to Fossil mountain.

With Huggette and Jean-Loup, Simon and ourselves, we set out for a long walk to fossil mountain. Picnics packed and walking shoes on, we followed the ridge of the mountain behind us. Jean the Loup needed a rest first! water and a break. Shiberni as they say here, old fella! Quickly he recovers and onward we go. It is warm.

The ridge leads us directly to what is called fossil mountain because that's just what it is. Before your eyes, the stones turn to fossils and the more you look the more you see. They are everywhere. It's a first time visit for our friends while we have been here before ! Fossil mountain that is !

Well fed after our packed lunch, we happily hunt the best old fossil, marvel at the views and our good fortune at being here. Anyone care to buy this one, It's a beauty. 100 Dirhams. Best price. 

And while the rest of us are happy with searching the flat ground, Jean-Loup goes for Alp style terrain and an ice pick!

Krysia prefers to do a spot of open cast mining and like the rest of us, comes up with the solidified creatures in abundance !

Simon is as eager as a boy scout on his first expedition. So happy with the outing, he's really keen to join us on another, which we do soon after.

This time, we take the road from Imsouane, which passes under fossil mountain and go on further to a spot know as The Source.
 It's a long walk but we are up for it and there is plenty to see on the way.
Erosion is big around here. Soft rock and flash floods eat away into the 'soil' and carve deep gorges right next to and sometimes across the road. This is the very same road we came along nearly 40 years ago. Even if some token barriers have been added, it's still a thrilling walk that alone drive. It's great to be walking this road, taking our time and savouring the landscape. Makes a change from eyes on the road Ted and no sightseeing, when driving.

I can't resist the temptation of walking this ridge and get my just rewards with finding out it's kind of wobbly, soft like, a bit too ready to slip !! Foolish old man, get back on the road. At least the mud is stable there.

It's so good to be here. Life happens when you've got the time. Like the fellow who pulls over on his moped, buys a goat off a shepherd, puts it in his basket and rides off! All conducted so matter of factly. Smiles all round and off for dinner. Fresh, free range organic goat. Available on the roadside.

And around the corner as in biblical times, comes a chap on a donkey. It just sets an atmosphere. Modern day moped to biblical donkey in the blink of an eye. And we haven't even got to our destination yet.

Happy Krysia.

Simon too.

And we arrive for a well earned rest. The water source is just to the right of Krysia. It's a man made output but it keeps it clean and it's very drinkable.

After our needed sandwiches, we have a nap to the sound of running water. The source gives birth to the rich green landscape that surrounds it. There is even an old prison here which is a bit of a mystery but we suppose it was useful for farm hands working the land? A guess I know, but why a prison?

The ruins of the prison. Was it French or ? Who knows, it just adds to the mystery of here. So Krysia draws and absorbs the atmosphere. The mule in the background turned up, led by three women who left it there, went somewhere and came back. Giggles and laughter. Shaded eyes then flirtatious looks, oh this is magic. Sheer delight. We could not have asked for more.

On the ruins of the old prison, with the road in the distance, palm trees in farm land and the sea crashing in the background. Krysia stands triumphantly above it all.

And then proceeds to to try and smash it all up with a boulder !! ?? Smash what? Perhaps shatter the illusion of being here. Wake up, am I dreaming?

No lovely girl, well not as far as I'm aware. There again?  As we walk back down the road to where a dream started, 38 years ago, we wonder. 'Is that the same palm tree'?

 We arrive, as we did all those years ago, as we did today and say to ourselves. This is something this is. What a brilliant day this is. How good is it to come to Imsouane. again and again....................and

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